

RAF Lossiemouth is the home of 1,2, 6 & 9 Squadrons, flying Typhoons and 120 and 201 Squadrons operate 9 Poseidon P8A MRA1 aircraft in a maritmie role.. 5 Force Protection Wing, comprising 51 Squadron RAF Regiment and 2622(Highland) Squadron RAuxAF is also based at Lossie.  In addition, Engineering & Logistics Wing, Base Support Wing and Operations Wing all support the flying activities at RAF Lossiemouth.

Visit the official RAF Lossiemouth Website at:

or see RAF Lossiemouth Spotters Group on Facebook for more informal information and pictures.

Since 1999 the people of Lossiemouth had been working towards the development/provision of an aircraft viewing and interpretive facility. When the Lighthouse was decommissioned in 2012 and put on the market, the people of Lossiemouth realised this was an opportunity not only to save the lighthouse but to provide a site for viewing the activities on the airbase and aircraft coming in to land. The space for interpretation at the lighthouse is very limited so the new facility has been built on the adjoining land.

Operating Hours:  Saturdays & Sundays 11am to 4pm

We are open from the first weekend in April or Easter Weekend, (whichever is earlier), until the last weekend in October.

To arrange a visit outwith thes times, please contact Chris at, 01343 835537 or via Facebook


Progress at the new RNAS and RAF Centre

Progress at the new RAF & RNAS Centre

As there is very limited space at the Covesea Lighthouse Community Company Ltd. (CLCCL) sought to purchase the land adjacent to the lighthouse not only to provide an education and heritage centre that could accommodate larger groups, especially school groups, but to reunite the old Steading and Well that once played an important part in the life of the lighthouse keepers. It was the initial intention of CLCCL to redevelop the old Steading as our education and heritage centre, but due to the historic provenance of the Steading and the adjacent Well this would not have been desirable nor would it have been permitted. The Steading and Well were designed by Alan Stevenson, built in 1846 and are still in their original state.

New RNAS & RAF Centre at Covesea Lighthouse New RAF & FLEET AIR ARM (FAA) HERITAGE CENTRE Lossiemouth Moray Lossiemouth

Covesea LIghthouse Lossiemouth New RNAS and RAF Centre Development

We were successful in accessing funding through the Community Covenant Fund that has enabled us to purchase the ground and buildings and with the help of other grants and our own fundraising now started to build a new RAF & Royal Navy Heritage Centre. This building should be completed by September 2015.


New Steading Build Plans at Covesea LIghthouse, Lossiemouth




The lighthouse tower provides unparalleled views over the nearby RAF Station at Lossiemouth and the Community Company enjoys a close working relationship with the Base.

Admission and guided tour of inside of Lighthouse by appointment.
Scottish Registered Charity SC043532
Website by Digital Routes
IV31 6SP